The Greenspire School is closed on Thursday, March 20 due to inclement weather.

Lottery Results

Enrollment Policy

Our Enrollment Policy was approved by the Board of Education in March 2011, and amended in December 2021.

Fair and Open Admissions

The Greenspire School accepts applications from any student meeting the school’s age requirements and residing in the service area of the Traverse Bay Area Intermediate School District. We do not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, creed, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, mental or physical disability, ancestry, athletic performance, special need, proficiency in the English language or in a foreign language, academic achievement, or town of residence within the school’s chartered region.

The Greenspire School grants enrollment preference to siblings of currently enrolled students in an effort to keep families together in one school.


Enrollment applications are accepted at any time during the year. The open enrollment period for subsequent school years will occur over four weeks from mid-February to mid-March. If there are more applicants for a grade level than there are spots for enrollment, a lottery will be conducted in an open forum. If a lottery is necessary, it will be held as soon as reasonably possible after the close of the open enrollment period. For more information, please see the “Enroll & Tours” tab for more information on the date, time and location for the public lottery.

If a grade level has not reached capacity as of the designated cut-off date, all applicants will be enrolled. Applications will continue to be accepted – in order of application submission – until a grade level reaches capacity. At that time, additional applicants will be placed on a wait list in the order received, and permitted to enroll in order of application submission.

Those students enrolled in The Greenspire School will remain enrolled until they complete their course of studies for the academic year or are withdrawn by their parents. Returning students must complete an application each school year to remain enrolled. Preference will be granted to siblings of current or returning enrollees and the children of faculty and board for admission and the remaining spots will be available for new enrollment through the process above. The school also has a matriculation agreement with Old Mission Peninsula School.

During the annual enrollment period, The Greenspire School will recruit its students through broad outreach and multi-media advertising. TGS will also hold public information sessions, in order to help families understand the school’s philosophy and methods before they apply. Please sign-up for a public tour on the middle school and/or high school sites.

Wait List

Each year those applicants who are not admitted are placed on a wait list in order of their lottery number. Applicants will keep their lottery number until admitted or until the next lottery. Applicants remain on the list until they are offered admission, until they request in writing to be removed from the list, or until repeated attempts to contact them have failed over a reasonable period of time. When an offer is made for enrollment, families have 48 hours to respond to the offer. If no response is given to the school, the spot is forfeited.


Each student application (all grades combined) will be numbered in the order submitted.

Identical tiles with numbers on them will be placed in a bowl and an impartial third party will pick tiles out. Those participating in the drawing will sign an affidavit that they participated in and were witnesses to the process.

The drawings will start with the lowest grade. Application numbers will be recorded in the order drawn until all numbers are drawn. No names will be announced during the lottery draw, because the order can change (particularly the wait list) due to sibling preferences and number of openings in each grade. When a student’s number is drawn with an open spot for enrollment, if he/she has a sibling who also applied, that sibling’s name goes to the top of the wait list for his/her grade (placed on the list after any siblings who had earned an earlier priority). An example of the concept of preference is: Sibling of tile #1 has preference over tile #2 as well as preference over tile #2’s sibling.

Siblings of enrolled students will not be admitted unless there is room at that grade level.

Acceptance of Enrollment: Students who are accepted for enrollment will be notified shortly after the lottery draw – or close of open enrollment with no need for a lottery. Failure to accept an enrollment spot will place the student at the end of the wait list. Please see the Enrollment Process document located on the Enroll & Tours tab for specific dates.


When an applicant is offered admission to the school, the family must provide a timely response to the offer. The school’s enrollment packet shall contain clear procedures for offers and response deadlines.

Notification is by telephone initially. In the event that the school does not have the opportunity to tender the verbal offer for enrollment within a 24-hour period, a letter is sent with the formal offer. Offers for enrollment must be accepted or declined within one calendar week from the date of the offer.

If the school is unable to make direct contact despite repeated attempts as outlined in the published procedures, or if the family declines the offer, the applicant is taken off the list. Should the family want to enroll at a later date, they must reapply.

If the family accepts the offer of admission, they must complete the enrollment process with the following steps:

  1. Confirm intention to enroll in writing;
  2. Confirm residence address;
  3. Sign the parent-school agreement; and,
  4. Complete whatever additional paperwork is required.

Once these steps are complete, the enrollment is complete. Any siblings of the enrollee who are on the general wait list take their place on the sibling list for that age group once the enrollee begins attending The Greenspire School.

The determination of which grades have openings is strictly at the Superintendent’s discretion. Attrition from an age/grade does not automatically create openings in that age/grade.