Middle School Musical, Frozen Junior, February 27 - March 1 Buy tickets here

Greenspire High School Community 

This is your GHS Weekly Update for the Week of: 10/4/21

School Times: Normal Week…M, Tu, Th, Fr: 8:45-3:45 Students may arrive as early as 8:00.Wednesday: 9:45-3:45 Please remain outside until 9:25am (The Student Council Members and interested “public” may enter at 8:55 for our meeting in Room 214.)


This Week’s Student Council Meeting: Wednesday, October 6, at 9:00am

Erica and Lisa will be traveling to Dayton Stem School this Friday to learn more about STEM PBL high school programming and ideas! Dr. Walker, our superintendent, will be at the high school as our “substitute administrator” while we’re gone. We are excited to return with many new ideas for Greenspire High School! 

Student Council Updates: The student council has made several decisions this week for Greenspire High School. 
Council Decisions Made at their Special Meeting on 10/1/21

  • All Blue GHS Classrooms will be named after each of the Great Lakes: Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Eerie, and Superior. All Green GHS Classrooms will be named after trees: Oak, Pine, and Cedar.
  • The Fall Semester student cohorts/pods will be named after dystopian novels: 
  • 9A- Maze Runner9B-Divergent10a-Hunger Games
  • Jimmy Johns will be available on Mondays at lunchtime for interested students 
  • (start date and cost TBA)
  • That’s-a-Pizza will be available on Fridays at lunchtime for interested students 
  • (start date and cost TBA)
  • SPIRIT WEEK will take place during the week of October 25th. To celebrate our Greenspire spirit, interested students may dress in each day’s theme. 
  • 10/25 Monday: Pajama Day
  • 10/26 Tuesday: Green Day
  • 10/27 Wednesday: Crazy Hair Day 
  • 10/28 Thursday: Crazy Sock Day 
  • 10/29 Friday: Halloween Costume Day
  • The Halloween Costume Contest will take place on 10/29/21. 
  • Costumes categories will be: Funniest, Best Group Costume (2 or more), Scariest, Most Creative, DIY, and Most Realistic. GHS Staff Members will vote for the best in each category. Winners will receive a gift card.
  • We will be partnering with our middle school for the Haunted Forest Event on 10/29/21, from 5-7pm at the middle school campus.
  • The first GHS Winter Formal Dance will take place on Saturday, December 11, 2021, Stay tuned for more information about tickets, times, and more! 

Reminders: We will have a 1/2 day of school on October 15th: 11:45 dismissal

Students- Please sign up for our Winter Formal Dance Planning Committee or the Haunted Forest Planning Committee! The sign-up is located across from the main office.

GHS Picture Day will take place on Thursday, October 21st in the morning. Picture day forms are located here.

Students- Please be sure to have a parent email or call when you will be absent. As stated in your handbooks, 9 absences per semester is your limit before we must create an attendance intervention plan. It is very difficult to obtain course credit if you have an inconsistent attendance record. The majority of GHS students are in attendance regularly, so we don’t anticipate this to be a problem at Greenspire.

Affirmations and GratitudeThank you to the Student Support Council (SSC) for their coffee maker and coffee donation! This coffee will have caffeine and will be located in the main office for our staff and visitors. (Our student coffee is decaf.) The SSC’s next meeting is Monday, October 11th at 7pm and is usually done virtually. Click here for more information: https://greenspiressc.wordpress.com/

The GHS Student Council has proven to be very dedicated to their roles as student leaders. They held two meetings this past week in order to start several programming initiatives. The “public” has also been helpful during our public comment portions in order to understand community opinions and hopes.

Erica Walsh