Middle School Musical, Frozen Junior, February 27 - March 1 Buy tickets here

Hello Middle School Community –

Friday was a busy day of Community Footprints activities at the middle school.  This was all part of our Greenspire Gives 10 program to help and serve the community in a variety of different ways during these two weeks prior to break.  Students participated in decoration making, sign making, cookie decorating, caroling, and service at the TC Cooperative Preschool.  Here are a few pictures…  


Here is a video from our walk to Munson to support the workers at the hospital ?

HUGE thank you to Sarah, the middle school faculty/staff and all of our parent volunteers both last week and this week!

A message from Kelly…

This week, students will begin learning about family immigrant stories. As part of this project, students will be looking into family history using ancestry.com and also asked to interview a family member about the past. I know this can be a sensitive topic for some families. We will talk about the topic of found family as part of the project and students may interview anyone they consider to be family regardless of biology. Students may also choose the option of researching an immigrant family from Traverse City history. Please feel free to contact me with any questions about this project. Thanks!

COVID-19 – Home Testing – Health Department

If you use a home test for COVID-19 and return a positive test, please make sure that you complete the form at the link below. This is true for both parents/guardians and students.  This will alert the health department so that they can follow-up with you regarding any required protocols and provide you with further information regarding close contacts.  

Winter Break Reminder

Winter Break begins this Friday after school.  Friday is a full day of school with regular dismissal at 3:30 pm.  Please make sure that you have your child bring home anything they need over break.  The building will be closed during Winter Break and you will not be able to come by to pick anything up.  We will encourage them to take their belongings home, but a little reminder on Friday morning will help as well ?

Upcoming Events

Friday, December 17th 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm @ HS Building – HS Movie Night Fundraiser MS students and their families are invited to attend

Monday, December 20th – Friday, December 31st – NO SCHOOL – Winter Break Both the MS and HS buildings will be closed

Monday, January 3rd – School Resumes

Monday, January 17th – NO SCHOOLMartin Luther King, Jr. Day

Friday, January 21st – HALF DAY End of First Semester

Monday, January 24th – NO SCHOOL – Records Day for Teachers

Robert Walker, EdD