Hello Greenspire Community –

I hope everyone had a good Memorial Day weekend ?

Reminder – Masks are still required on campus for both students and any visitor, both inside and outside.  Currently, schools and health care facilities are not part of the recent changes to mask protocols.  We are still bound by our COVID-19 Extended Learning Plans.  Over the next few weeks, we should hear more about what protocols schools will be required to follow in September.  Stay tuned! 

Additionally, please make sure that your child has a refillable water bottle each day at school, particularly as it gets warmer and students are outside more often during the school day.  

Last Day – Remote Classes

The final day for remote classes will be Friday, June 11th.  Remote students will have some special end of year activities scheduled on Monday, June 14th and Tuesday, June 15th similar to the in-person students.  Stay tuned for more information!

Registration Packets 2021-2022

To complete your enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year, please complete the registration packet by June 4th.  Both the MS and HS registration packets can be found on our website under the Toolbox section.  

Shakespeare on a Lark Performances

Prithee, join us for The Greenspire Shakespeare Festival! Students will be performing a scene from the Shakespeare play they hath’t been studying. Each pod hath a different performance time, listed below. Ye art welcome to cometh at which hour thy child is performing, or whenever thee hath’t a chance! Thither wilt be a stage set up outside of the Maple building and seating available to thee. To maketh sure thee don’t miss aught, ponder arriving 5-10 minutes ere the start time. The pod’s performances wilt likely last 20-30 minutes total.

Wednesday June 9

Titania 9:40 start; Juliet 11:35 start; Prospero 1:45 start

Thursday June 10

Mercutio 9:40 start; Macbeth 11:35 start; Viola 2:35 start

(Translation of above, in case you need it ?… Please join us for the Greenspire Shakespeare Festival!  Students will be performing a scene from the Shakespeare play that they have been studying.  Each pod has a different performance time, listed above.  You are welcome to come when your student is performing, or whenever you have a chance!  There will be a stage set up outside of the Maple building and seating available to you.  To make sure you don’t miss anything, please consider arriving 5-10 minutes before the start time.  The pod’s performances will likely last 20-30 minutes total.)
For any questions, please see Claire or Phil.  

Opportunity to Become a Host Family

Please see the message below from Greenspire parent Susan O’Connor about a great opportunity to be a host family in the coming months.  There is also an attached brochure with more information.

I am Susan O’Connor and I am part of CETUSA, a non-profit organization that places foreign exchange students with host families in our region.   We currently have high school-aged students from a variety of different countries who are hoping to hear that a family has chosen them to host. Countries include Australia, Italy, China, Thailand, Brazil, Denmark, Spain, Norway, Japan, Sweden, Germany, and more!    I had an exchange student from France live with me during my junior year of high school, and it was a life-changing experience!  If this is something you’d be interested in, or perhaps you know someone else who might be interested in hosting, please contact me and I’ll connect with you regarding the details.  Thank you for considering opening your heart and your home to these amazing kids!  Susan O’Connor- 231.218.0774 soconnor@tbaisd.org

Other Upcoming Events:

  • 8th Grade Graduation Ceremony – Tuesday, June 15th from 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
  • Last Day of School – Wednesday, June 16th – Dismissal at 11:30 am (no potluck)
  • First Day of School 2021-2022  – Tuesday, September 7th (Half-Day) 


Robert Walker, EdD