Hello Greenspire Middle School Community –

Reminder – There is NO SCHOOL for students this Friday, April 15th.  

Parent-Teacher Conferences – Remember that we have changed our parent-teacher conference format for the spring.  You should have already received a link to sign-up for your student-led conference with your child’s advisor on Thursday evening.  There are no drop-in appointments available on Thursday evening.  When you arrive, please check-in at the front desk.  On Friday from 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm, teachers will be available for drop-in conferences.  Please limit your drop-in conference to 5 minutes and arrive early as conferences will conclude at 3:30 pm.  

Indoor/Outdoor Shoes and Spare Socks – Please make sure your student has indoor shoes and outdoor shoes each day at school, no matter the weather.  It is also a good idea to have a couple spare pairs of socks at school in case they become wet while outdoors.  

A Huge Thank You – We continue to update and upgrade our classroom furniture at the middle school.  Once some additional tables arrive, the entire Maple building and Social Studies Lab in Spruce will be done. The rest of Spruce will be completed in the coming months.  

We want to thank our parent volunteers for helping us assemble the new tables in the Social Studies Lab.  It was a HUGE help to us during this busy time!


Students and Technology – Please remember that students should not have their cell phones with them during the school day.  This also applies to smart watches.  If a student needs to call home or you need to contact your student during the school day, please call the front desk at 231.421.5905.  This is a safety issue and we appreciate your cooperation.  

Positivity Project – This week’s trait is Fairness

The 2022-2023 Academic Calendar is up on the website under the Toolbox 

Robert Walker, EdD