David Peck
David Peck comes to Greenspire as a native New Mexican. Growing up in New Mexico gave him a deep appreciation for nature, diverse cultures, and green chile tamales. At age 20 he joined the United States Air Force as an F-16 fighter aircraft systems specialist. David left the military and earned his BS degree from University of Central Florida, and his MA degree from Norwich University. His love of culture and history has made traveling one of his passions. David has visited 4 continents and plans to visit at least 2 more. He has taken groups of high school students to many places around the world to experience how amazing different peoples and cultures are. Northern Michigan has been home to him since 1998 and he cannot see himself wanting to live anywhere else (except maybe in February). A unique aspect of David is that he was a professional juggler and acrobat in his 20s, working at theme parks, renaissance fairs, and on cruises. He loves to hike, open water swim, and rescue animals. His current roommate is a large orange cat named Cheddar.