Robin Roche


Growing up, I fostered my love of the outdoors through summers at camp and adventures with my family. I attended an arts school from sixth through twelfth grade and this instilled my belief in the importance of unique educational opportunities. I began working at a nature camp in the North Carolina mountains during high school and pursued a degree in Environmental Studies from Oberlin College. This led to a wonderful career in outdoor education, where I taught science and guided wilderness expeditions for teenagers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Wyoming, and Colorado. My interests in youth development and group dynamics were forged during these weeks in the woods, and I went on to study Counseling Psychology at the University of Colorado. I became a child and family therapist and worked in community, university, and school settings. After 16 years in Colorado, I am excited to be back in Michigan, closer to my family, and to revel in outdoor adventures together again. I look forward to melding my interests in nature and counseling and joining the innovative community of learners and educators at The Greenspire School.