Middle School Musical, Frozen Junior, February 27 - March 1 Buy tickets here

Hello Greenspire Community –

I hope that everyone had a good Thanksgiving Break!

Advisories begin this Wednesday, December 2nd from 2:40 pm – 3:10 pm for all students during the elective period.  Links will be provided to students. This will provide students with a weekly small group check-in and the opportunity for social-emotional learning activities during this remote learning period.  This Wednesday, electives for remote learning will be discussed with students.

As of now, this remote learning period expires on Tuesday, December 8th.  We are preparing for both the return to in-person learning as well the extension of remote learning since the future still remains uncertain as to when schools can and should return to in-person learning.  Hopefully after the regional school leader meeting with health officials from county/regional health departments and Munson on Tuesday, as well as our regular school leader meeting with the county health department meeting on Wednesday, we will have a better picture of the remaining 9 days of school after December 8th before Winter Break.  As soon as I know more information, I will pass it along to you!


Please remember to report any absences to office@greenspireschool.org.  Under the new state protocols adopted last August for remote learning, we still need to keep accurate attendance and we thank you for your help in doing so!

Have a great week!

Robert Walker, EdS