Middle School Frozen Jr. Musical February 27, 28, and March 1 Buy Tickets

Hello Middle School Community –

Please remember all students need indoor and outdoor shoes at school each day.

Upcoming Events

Monday, January 16th – NO SCHOOL

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Friday, January 20th – HALF DAY OF SCHOOL – Dismissal at 11:30 am

Teacher Planning

End of 1st Semester

Monday, January 23rd – NO SCHOOL 

Records Day

Summer Program 2023

Our Summer Program 2023 sessions are now up on our website!  Please visit the link below to view our awesome sessions for the six week summer program.  There are opportunities for children from 9-18 years old.

Sign-up begins on February 1st at 9:00 am and we expect sessions to fill up quickly!

CSSGP-MSP Grant – Work Completed

Many of you may remember that The Greenspire School was awarded $37,000 to improve school safety at the middle school campus as part of the Competitive School Safety Grant Program (CSSGP) through the Michigan State Police (MSP).  We ordered our equipment over the summer and it recently arrived.  Despite the snow, it was installed over Winter Break and is now fully operational. 

Enrollment and Re-Enrollment for 2023-2024

We are quickly approaching the enrollment/re-enrollment period for the 2023-2024 school year.  This process begins on February 13th and ends on March 10th. 

For returning students, you will receive more information from Jill at the beginning of February regarding re-enrollment at the middle school as well as directions for 8th grade families planning to attend the high school next year.  In the meantime, if you are an 8th grade family interested in touring the high school or attending their Fake-A-Day in February, please visit the link below to learn more:

If you know of any new families that may be interested in either the middle school or high school for the 2023-2024 school year, please have them visit the link above to learn more about the high school or the link below to learn more about the middle school. Tours at both schools have begun.  Sign-up is required for middle school tours, with the link to sign-up also located below:

If you have any questions regarding enrollment, please contact:

Middle School – Jill Rowley jill.rowley@greenspireschool.org

High School – Torre Boone torre.boone@greenspireschool.org

Applications will be available beginning February 13th.  

Robert Walker, EdD