Middle School Musical, Frozen Junior, February 27 - March 1 Buy tickets here

Hello Greenspire Middle School Community –

A few reminders to begin the week:

Pick-Up Placards: Please make sure you are using your yellow pick-up name placards each day.  Having these in your window will help us to speed-up the pick-up process and keep the process to our usual 12-15 minutes.  If you need a new one, please let us know at office@greenspireschool.org and we can make one for you or you can make one yourself.  

Masks: Please make sure your child is coming to school with a mask.  We do have spare masks available to students and guests if they get wet or lost throughout the day.  

Enrollment Period: Our enrollment and re-enrollment period for the 2022-2023 school year begins on February 10th.  Stay tuned for updates from Jill regarding the process for returning students to confirm your enrollment for next year at either the MS or HS.  The enrollment period ends on March 10th at 4:00 pm.  

Report Cards: Report Cards are scheduled to go out in the mail at the end of this week.  Of course with the delays in mail delivery, please be patient for them to arrive to your mailbox.  For those new to Greenspire, our report cards are different than you are probably used to at most middle schools.  Our report cards include not only grades, but standards in each class along with personalized, individual comments for each student.  That is why our report cards take a little longer to generate than most schools…we just don’t click print.  Despite having had several faculty/staff absences each of the last two weeks, we are doing our best to stay on target to get our report cards in the mail at the end of the week ?

Student Support Council – Amazon Wishlists – Middle School: The Student Support Council (SSC) is sponsoring an Amazon Wishlist for both the MS and HS.  The link to the MS Wishlist is https://a.co/eebBNTg.  A huge thank you to the SSC and our community.  

Some great news…

We are happy to announce that Autumn Smith will serve as our new World Language teacher for the remainder of the 2022-2023 school year!  Autumn is no stranger to Greenspire.  She has been a substitute teacher at Greenspire for the last few years in just about every subject and our go-to substitute teacher for Spanish at both the MS and HS.  She comes to us with over 26 years of teaching experience.  We are so lucky to have her join the team at the middle school.  Autumn and Marina will overlap for a few days to make a smooth transition.   

A huge thank you…

As I mentioned earlier, we have had a significant amount of faculty/staff members out at the MS over the past two weeks.  I wanted to say a huge thank you to the entire faculty/staff at the middle school for their flexibility and willingness to jump-in and cover each other during the past two weeks.  Along those lines, we are lucky to have a great pool of substitute teachers that have been rockstars over this year and especially lately.  Both our faculty/staff and our amazing substitute teachers have allowed us to continue learning in-person.  Additionally, we thank our community for your support and patience with us!

Robert Walker, EdD