Middle School Musical, Frozen Junior, February 27 - March 1 Buy tickets here

Hello Greenspire Middle School Community –

Middle School Picture Day – Monday

Our middle school picture day is Monday, October 10th beginning at 9:00 am.  The form to order pictures can be found here.  Please bring this form along with your payment on Monday.  A make-up picture day will be announced in the near future.  

Half Day of School – Friday

This Friday, October 14th is a half day of school.  Dismissal is 11:30 am at the middle school campus.  To view our calendar, please click here

Walking Field Trip Permission Form – Friday

Last week, everyone should have received a copy of the permission slip via email.  As part of our MI Impacts project, students will be walking to an assigned building with their teacher to research the use of that building in the 1800’s.  Volunteers from the Traverse Area Historical Society will be available to share knowledge and history of the local landmarks.  The permission form is due on Wednesday, October 12th.  Please contact office@greenspireschool.org if you need another copy of the form.  


Please remember that the Toolbox on our website is a great feature to find important information such as our academic calendar, link to PowerSchool for parents, our Who Do We Call When document, and a link to our Amazon wishlist: https://a.co/eebBNTg.

Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up

Thank you to everyone that has helped to make our pick-up line less than 10 minutes most days.  Using your bright green placard in your window helps a ton to speed up the process as we call names.  Please remember that all students need to be picked-up or off-campus by 4:00 pm.  There is no adult supervision after 4:00 pm.  Additionally, students should not be dropped off prior to 8:00 am as there is no adult supervision on campus before 8:00 am.  

Employment Opportunities

If you or someone you know is interested in employment at The Greenspire School, please visit our Employment page to view current openings.  Feel free to share this link with anyone that you know. 

100% in 100 Days Fundraising Campaign

Please click here to learn more about our 100% in 100 Days fundraising campaign to benefit the Greenspire Charitable Foundation.  We appreciate your support!

Shop Your Community Day – Saturday, November 12th

Please click here to learn more about how you can support Greenspire and local businesses during the Shop Your Community Day event on Saturday, November 12th.  

Thank You

A huge thank you to Erica Walsh (Head of School at the high school) for the donation of this print from the famous picture that Alli took at the beginning of the school year!


Have a great week!

Robert Walker, EdD