Middle School Musical, Frozen Junior, February 27 - March 1 Buy tickets here

Important Upcoming Dates:

October 25: Picture Make-Ups

October 27: Haunted Forest 

November 9 & 10: Student Led Conferences

November 10: Half Day

I hope you are all having a wonderful week. I wanted to take a moment to explain some of the drills your students have been participating in. 

Students have participated in two fire drills, one tornado/wind drill, and one lockdown drill. The goal of the lockdown drill is to improve our ability to protect students in the event of a crisis. When conducting drills, Greenspire is grateful to work closely with local law enforcement, emergency management, and fire agencies to ensure the best possible safety practices are implemented.

Michigan law requires a minimum of three lockdown drills per year as well as five fire drills and two severe weather drills. All safety drills are recorded by the school and are available to view on our website.

Helpful Tips for Parents:
Lockdown drills are a specific safety drill to prepare students and staff to achieve maximum safety in the event of an imminent threat or the presence of a hazardous material in the school building or on campus.

Secure Mode would be used when heightened security is warranted due to a possible threat outside the building. During Secure Mode, the doors will remain in the normal daily locked mode, therefore, Secure Mode only adds the provision that no one can enter or exit the building. The school day will continue as normal with students moving about the building as they typically would. All outdoor classes would move inside, but learning would continue in an indoor locked setting.  

Lockdown would be used when there is an imminent threat to the building or the presence of a hazardous material.

Blue Lights are activated as a notification system to alert staff and students inside and outside of the building that a lockdown has been implemented.  

Your students all performed so well during all of these drills. The fire department even commented on how expedient our students were at leaving the buildings. If you or your student have any questions, please let me know. Thank you for your support in ensuring the safety of all.

Anti-Bullying Month:

We were excited to see so many students wearing orange on Wednesday for Unity Day. As we continue to focus on bullying for the month of October, here is a link to some ways to prevent bullying:Bullying Prevention

Green Blue Modern Photo Nature Photo Collage.png

Haunted Forest:

We are all excited about the upcoming Greenspire Haunted Forest fundraiser! To help assist with the event – please sign up here!In addition, the school is looking for silent auction donations and volunteers to post flyers around town (there is a stack on the counter at the Middle School.) Please reach out to Claire Alexander if you have something to donate or are willing to ask around. 
PTO Update:The Greenspire PTO is excited and proud to support our amazing teachers and staff!  Please consider pitching in wherever it makes sense for you!

PTO Signup Genius Link
Haunted Forest – event volunteers 10/27Parent/Teacher/Student Conference – potluck support 11/9First Friday Sweet Fest – ongoingWe also have a Personal Product Drive happening November 8-10th at both schools!  See the flyer for details.

Picture Make Up Day: October 25th

If you were absent on picture day, there will be a picture make-up on October 25th. 

Greenspire Skis and Rides:

The Greenspire Skis and Rides! The club would like to invite you to a student and parent meeting on Thursday, November 2nd at 3:30 pm at the Middle School.  If you are interested in learning more about the Greenspire Skis & Rides! Program at Crystal Mountain on Tuesday nights (1/9-2/23) please email Cristin at hosnpop@gmail.com for the registration forms.  

Greenspire Skis and Rides Flyer.png

Girls Basketball:We are excited to once again partner with The Children’s House Co-op to offer Girls Basketball. Registration is now open. If your student is interested please click on the registration link below. 

Season:  Jan. 3rd-March 2ndRegistration:  10/16-12/18Practices:  Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30pm-5:00pmGames:  Monday and WednesdaysCost: $100.00 Registration Link: FinalForms

All athletes will need an updated physical on file to participate.If you have any questions, please contact Julie Boss at Julie.Boss@tchlearners.org or 248-535-1713.Thanks,Julie Boss

Girls Volleyball:

Girls volleyball finished their season this week. We are so proud of this team and how far they have come since their first practice and we have enjoyed our partnership with The Children’s House Co-Op. 

Compass Volleyball 2023.jpeg

Have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone Friday night for The Haunted Forest!–

Emily Feaster

Head of School