Middle School Musical, Frozen Junior, February 27 - March 1 Buy tickets here

Hello Middle School Community –

Two reminders of upcoming events:

Greenspire 101 Series – Project Based Learning: 

We invite all current parent and guardians to attend our Greenspire 101 Series – Project Based Learning event on Thursday, October 6th from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm at the Middle School campus.  Attendees will learn more about project based learning and get resources for your student.  

This is a parent/guardian-only event and there is no supervision available for students.  We hope to see you there 

Greenspire 101.jpg

Middle School Pictures: Picture Day is Monday, October 10th beginning at 9:00 am.  You can find the order form for pictures in the Toolbox here.  A printed copy is also available at the front desk.  Forms are due on the day of pictures and should be given to the photographer.  

Updated COVID-19 Guidelines

The state released updated COVID-19 recommendations for both infection and exposure.  Please see the graphic below for more information.  This information is also posted in the Toolbox section of our website.  

School_Quarantine_Guidance_v15 (1).png

Shop Your Community Day

The Greenspire School is part of the Shop Your Community Day program in downtown Traverse City.  This takes place on Saturday, November 12th. Please visit the link below to learn how you can support the school on this day.  

Thank you Torre for setting this up for us!

100% in 100 Days Fundraising Campaign

Please visit the link below to learn more about our 100% in 100 Days fundraising campaign to benefit the Greenspire Charitable Foundation. 

Have a great week!

Robert Walker, EdD