Middle School Musical, Frozen Junior, February 27 - March 1 Buy tickets here

Hello Middle School Community –

This is a short week for us with school on Monday and Tuesday.  There is no school Wednesday – Friday this week.  Remember that next Monday is a teacher planning day, so there is no school on Monday, November 29th.  

Reporting Late Arrivals, Absences or Early Pick-Ups

Please remember that if your child will be late or absent from school that you need to either call the MS Attendance Hotline at 231.421.5905 or send an email to office@greenspireschool.org before 8:30 am.  

It is also helpful that if you are picking up your student early from school, to let us know well in advance.  Students may be in outdoor classes off campus and not able to return immediately to campus for an early pick-up for safety reasons.  You can either call the school at 231.421.5905 and speak to a front desk staff member or email office@greenspireschool.org to report an early pick-up.  

Welcome Emma!

Emma will be joining us as our new Special Education Assistant starting Monday.  She will shadow Caelyn for a few days.  After Thanksgiving Break, Caelyn will be moving to the front desk to work with Jill.  Kara is pursuing another opportunity outside of Greenspire, but it is not goodbye to Kara as she will still sub for us from time to time ?

Mask Donations

If you happen to be out and about, we would welcome any adult size disposable mask donations.  With the weather changing and the increased rain and snow this time of year, students go through 2-3 masks per day as they may get wet or dirty.  Additionally, you can help us by sending your child(ren) with multiple reusable masks each day that can then be washed at home.  

ARP Survey

As many of you know, the school has received two rounds of ESSER funds used to help schools during the COVID-19 pandemic.  

The first round of funds came in the first half of 2020 and were used to purchase masks, cleaning supplies, and technology needs for remote learning.  

The second round of funds were issued back in May.  So far, these funds have been used at the middle school to purchase 75 new Chromebooks, two new TV monitors, new furniture to promote PBL for two classrooms among other items such as cleaning supplies, masks, and an upgraded communication system.  Still to come is new furniture in eight more classroom spaces at the middle school, the purchase of five new TV monitors to replace aging projectors, and additional classroom technology for students.  These purchases will be completed over the next several months.  

The third round of funds will be issued to schools in the coming months.  A requirement of the third round of funds is to solicit feedback from school stakeholders.  Some of the questions are required by law and cannot be changed, while some questions have been tailored to the needs of Greenspire.  As required by law, at least 20% of the ESSER III funds will be used to address the learning loss experienced by many students during the pandemic.  As of now, the other funds have been targeted for new fixtures (sinks, drinking fountains, and bathroom fixtures) within the middle school building, the renovation of the Pool area into an additional classroom space, and the creation of a dedicated outdoor learning classroom…or two?. But we want to hear from you.  Please take a minute to complete the survey by Monday, December 6th at the link below:

We will resume our PBL Preview next week. 

Upcoming Events

No School – Thanksgiving BreakWednesday, November 24th – Friday, November 26th

No School – Teacher Planning DayMonday, November 29th

Robert Walker, EdD