Middle School Musical, Frozen Junior, February 27 - March 1 Buy tickets here

On Friday, students met with Norwest Ed’s DEIB (Diversity Equity Inclusion and Belonging) team. They rotated through stations focusing on identity, being an ally vs coconspirator, equity vs equality, and the impact of hurtful language. We hope that you can ask students about these topics and continue the conversations at home. 

Important Upcoming Dates:

March 1: NO SCHOOL- District Professional Development DayMarch 7,8,9: Beauty and the Beast Jr at 6:30 March 8: All Enrollment due by 4pmMarch 22: End of Third QuarterMarch 22-29: NO SCHOOL- SPRING BREAKApril 1: Flight Field Trip- Happening during normal school hours


Enrollment time has come! If you have a student currently in 5th, 6th or 7th grade, please complete the Middle School Enrollment Form. If you have an 8th grader, please complete the High school form. 

All current students are guaranteed a spot at either the middle school or high school but they must complete enrollment forms by March 8 at 4pm. Failure to do so will result in a forfeit of their spot. If you have any questions, please reach out to Becky at office@greenspireschool.org.

Please read over the attached application process form if you have any questions. All applications are due by March 8 at 4pm. We cannot accept late applications. 

Beauty and the Beast Jr:
Tickets are now on sale for our FIRST EVER Greenspire Productions showing of Beauty and the Beast Jr.  AND we have some great news! We are going to have the performances at Kirkbride Hall in Building 50, allowing us to seat more audience members!  Please follow this link to purchase your General Admission tickets for the Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening shows, all from 6:30-7:30 pm.  Doors will open at 6 pm.  If you have any questions, please email Claire Alexander here: claire.alexander@greenspireschool.org.

The Greenspire Middle School’s yearbook is on sale now! Don’t miss out on your chance to purchase Greenspire’s first ever student-created yearbook! Use this link to place your order (School ID #718722). Yearbooks are selling for $30 until May 1st, 2024. Help secure a lasting memory for your student and purchase a yearbook today! Please email Alli with any questions: alli.boyer@greenspireschool.org.

Parents/Gardians of 8th Graders ONLY! The yearbook staff is offering something new this year! You have the opportunity to celebrate your promoting 8th grader by purchasing space to personalize in the yearbook. Each space is fully customizable! You can add pictures, quotes, or a special note of pride for your child’s accomplishment. A half-page ad is selling for $20, a quarter-page ad is selling for $15, and an eighth-page ad is selling for $10.  Recognition ads can be purchased any time before April 17, 2024. Please email Alli with any questions: alli.boyer@greenspireschool.org