Middle School Musical, Frozen Junior, February 27 - March 1 Buy tickets here

Hello Greenspire Middle School Community –

Just a few quick reminders and announcements this week:

Mark your calendars!  The date has been set for the 8th Grade Graduation Ceremony.  It will take place on Thursday, June 16th at 6:30 pm in the courtyard.  More information for 8th grade families will be released in the coming months.

Report Cards should arrive in your mailbox over the next several days. 

The Positivity Project has been launched at the middle school.  The Positivity Project is a character education curriculum that has been used at the high school since early November.  The great news about the Positivity Project is that it supports Project-Based Learning which makes it the perfect fit for our school. 

The middle school will be integrating it into our Advisory time.  The weekly character traits will be posted around both Maple and Spruce.  In the future, we will be sharing more resources about the program to you including parent/guardian resources so that you can continue the conversation at home.

This week’s character quality is Humility/Modesty.  

Screen Shot 2022-02-02 at 11.29.40 AM.png

You can learn more about the Positivity Project at https://posproject.org/.

Upcoming Events

Friday 2/18 – Half-Day – Dismissal at 11:30 am (Teacher Planning Day)

Friday 3/11 – Half-Day – Dismissal at 11:30 am (Teacher Planning Day)

Friday 3/25 to Friday 4/1 – No School – Spring Break 


Robert Walker, EdD