Middle School Musical, Frozen Junior, February 27 - March 1 Buy tickets here

We hope everyone enjoyed their much-deserved break and we hope to see everyone on April 1 for our Flight Field Trip. 

Important Upcoming Dates:

  • April 1: Flight Field Trip- Please fill out the online permission form
    April 4 Student-Led Conferences- 5-7:30
  • April 5: Student-Led Conferences- 12:30-3:30
    April 5: Half Day of School- Students dismissed at 11:30
  • April 10: Mandatory PSAT Testing for 8th Grade 
  • April 12: Women in Aviation Careers Forum: See Below
  • April 18: Question, Persuade, Refer- 4-6pm See Below
  • April 25: Flight Night Spring Fundraiser- 5:30 to 7:30 
  • June 6 & 7: 8th Grade Overnight Trip- More information in the coming weeks.
  • June 10: 8th Grade Graduation at 6pm 

The Greenspire Middle School is so excited to once again be hosting the Women in Aviation Careers Forum as the culmination of our STEM flight project! We are honored and privileged to have panelists who represent a wide range of careers in the military and aviation industry as well as students and instructors from a variety of aviation career prep programs from NMC to the Florida Institute of Technology. This webinar will take place on Friday, April 12 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:20 p.m. and is open to our high school students and the greater Greenspire Community. Details about our panelists and how to join are coming soon!” 

Conference Sign-Ups: Students have been working hard on projects in their classes and are excited to show you what they have been learning. During conference time, some projects will be displayed indoors while others will take you on some of our students’ favorite trails in the commons. Please use the link below to sign up for a student-led conference with your student’s advisory teacher. Conference times are slotted for 15 minutes but please be sure to give yourselves additional time to view all of their projects. If you are unsure of who your student’s advisory teacher is, please email: office@greenspireschool.org

Question, Persuade, Refer:

Question, Persuade, Refer is a suicide prevention training that will be offered to parents, teachers, and Greenspire community members on Thursday, April 18th from 4-6 pm at The Greenspire Middle School. The training will be led by Allison Zimpfer, LCSW, and will be paid for by a grant through Child and Family Services. If you would like to attend this training, please rsvp to Robin.Roche@greespireschool.org by Thursday, April 11th. Thank you!

Greenspire Flight Night: April 25th from 5:30 to 7:30 (Adults Only)

Join us for our spring fundraiser: Greenspire Flight Night This event is being held at The Barrel Room and will feature flights of food from some of the most delicious restaurants in Traverse City including Stella’s and The Cooks’ House. We will have flights of wine, cider, and non-alcoholic beverages as well. There will be a basket raffle and many items available to bid on in our largest-ever silent auction. Click here to purchase tickets. Silent auction information will be available the week of the event. 

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The Greenspire Middle School’s yearbook is on sale now! Don’t miss out on your chance to purchase Greenspire’s first-ever student-created yearbook! Use this link to place your order (School ID #718722). Yearbooks are selling for $30 until May 1st, 2024. Help secure a lasting memory for your student and purchase a yearbook today! Please email Alli.Boyer@greenspireschool.org with any questions. Purchase your yearbook here:  https://buytheyearbook.pictavo.com/PictavoSchool/FindSchool

Parents/Guardians of 8th Graders ONLY!

The yearbook staff is offering something new this year! You have the opportunity to celebrate your promoting 8th graders by purchasing space to personalize in the yearbook. Each space is fully customizable! You can add pictures, quotes, or a special note of pride for your child’s accomplishment. A half-page ad is selling for $20, a quarter-page ad is selling for $15, and an eighth-page ad is selling for $10.  Recognition ads can be purchased any time before April 17, 2024. Please email Alli with any questions.

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