Middle School Musical, Frozen Junior, February 27 - March 1 Buy tickets here

Hello MS Community –

This past Friday was Earth Day and it was a busy day for students at the middle school. Students participated in environmental projects for our campus, heard from guest speakers and participated in outdoor activities. On Friday afternoon in honor or Autism Acceptance Month, students were able to hear from former Greenspire student Clara and meet her service dog ?

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Summer Camp 2022
Sessions are now filling up for our Summer Camp 2022 program, so if you are interested in signing up, please do so as soon as possible.  The sessions are open to anyone in the community in grades 5-12.  
If a session is full, it is noted on the website and has been removed from the sign-up form.  


huge thank you to Claire for designing our Summer Camp 2022 posters!

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Red Drive
Over the past few weeks, I have gotten a few questions regarding the dirt road between the NorthwestEd (ISD) and the barn area.  Neither Greenspire nor the ISD have control over that portion of the road as it belongs to the township.  As a dirt road, particularly in the spring, it can get very bumpy.  They will periodically come to smooth out the road, but we do not have any input on when or if that occurs.  If you choose to do a U-turn and head back north on Red Drive during drop-off or pick-up please be careful and reduce your speed to watch out for cars backing-up in the ISD parking lot area and for our students who may be crossing the street.  For your reference, I attached a copy of our drop-off/pick-up guidelines.  Please make sure students are picked-up no later than 4:00 pm.  

Spring Emergency Drills
We have several upcoming emergency drills scheduled for our middle school and high school campuses.  Emergency drills (fire, tornado/wind, and lockdown) are required for all schools in Michigan and they are scheduled throughout the year and at different times throughout the day.  If you happen to see emergency personnel on either campus, don’t be alarmed.  Representatives from police and fire regularly come to observe drills and provide feedback for continuous improvement.  Over the past 18 months, we have made significant improvements to the middle school building in terms of infrastructure, faculty/staff training, and policies/protocols for emergency situations of all kinds. 

Appropriate Dress
Please make sure your child(ren) have indoor/outdoor shoes, but also as the weather gets warmer, appropriate dress for school.  You can view our dress code policy in our student and parent/guardian handbook located in the Toolbox section of our website.  

Positivity Project
This week’s trait is Purpose.  Please see the attached letter to families for more information.  

Upcoming Events

Please check here to view the calendar at our website for upcoming events.  

Robert Walker, EdD