Middle School Musical, Frozen Junior, February 27 - March 1 Buy tickets here

Hello Greenspire Middle School Community –

Greenspire in the News: Check out our story on 9&10 News for No Mow May


Returning Students:
Earlier this week, you should have received a message from Jill or Torre regarding the registration packet for the 2022-2023 school year.  The due date to submit this packet is Friday, June 3rd.  

You can download a copy of the middle school registration packet here:

If you are headed over to the high school next year, you can download the registration packet here:

All returning students/families must complete the packet each school year.For the 2022-2023 school year, we have 12 spots still available for 6th grade.  Both the 7th grade and 8th grade are full with waiting lists.  We currently have a waiting list of 13 students for 7th grade and 3 students for 8th grade.  At the high school, we are going from 68 students to 130 students next year and adding 11th grade.  We have a full 9th grade with 2 on the waiting list.  There are 2 available spots in 10th grade.  In 11th grade we are full with 3 on the waiting list.  

Please see the message below from Claire:

Hello, hello – Less than one month, everyone!  Wow.  Cannot believe we are so close to the end of the school year!  Luckily we have something to look forward to even after the end of the school – June 19th is the day of the Pit Spitters game at which Greenspire Readers will be celebrated.

If you and your student/s filled out the reading form that was due in April, the two free tickets should be emailed to you soon.  If you purchased additional tickets, those should be emailed, too.  (If you do not receive them by the end of the month, please email me and I will contact them)
If you did not get the form in on time and still want to join us, please visit the Pit Spitters Box Office for tickets for the June 19th 5:05 pm game or call 943-0100.

Students will be invited to participate⚾⚾ in the different activities that happen between innings and there might be some familiar faces on the pitching mound during the first pitch!

Thank you, as always, for your ongoing support for our amazing Greenspire Readers!

Welcome to Our New Staff Member:
As we continue to grow at Greenspire over the next few years, we are pleased to announce that we have hired our first School Counselor.  Sarah Schaub will be our new School Counselor beginning in August.  She will share time equally between the middle school and high school during the 2022-2023 school year.  We are so lucky to have Sarah aboard and she is excited to join Greenspire.  It is a perfect fit!

Stay tuned for more exciting announcements…very soon!

Positivity Project:
Please see the attached letter to families.  This trait this week is open mindedness?

Thank you’s for the week:

Thank you to all of those who came to our annual plant sale and for your donations!

Thank you to our board president Yvette for volunteering your time to help supervise lunch!

A big thank you for the continued snacks for both the students and the faculty/staff!

Some pictures from the week:


Robert Walker, EdD