Hello Middle School Community –

Please make sure students have a refillable water bottle with them each day while at school.  Please double-check each day with your student.  

Festival of Athletics

A huge thank you to Katie from the high school and all of the administration, teachers, and staff that planned and organized our first annual Festival of Athletics on Friday.  It was a great day and we hope to make this an annual tradition.  Another thank you to TCAPS for letting us use Thirlby Field and to the Traverse City Police Department escorted us across the street at Division and 14th Street ?

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Grade Level Trips – Wednesday

The annual grade-level trips are coming up this Wednesday.  Each grade has a different trip.  

If you have any questions about the trip, please contact the trip leader:

8th Grade Graduation Ceremony

The 8th Grade Graduation Ceremony is Tuesday, June 13th at 6:30 pm.  8th Grade students must arrive no later than 6:00 pm and you will gather in Maple with our 8th Grade graduation volunteers.  

REMINDER – Schedule Change – Beach Day and 8th Grade Appreciation

Please note that our annual Beach Day has been moved from Tuesday, June 13th to Monday, June 12th.  More information about what to bring will be sent home soon.  That means our annual 8th Grade appreciation event during the school day will move from Monday, June 12th to Tuesday, June 13th.  

Monday, June 12th will be a busy day as we are having new windows installed in Maple and the tent for graduation set up while our students are at the beach.


Robert Walker, EdD