Middle School Musical, Frozen Junior, February 27 - March 1 Buy tickets here

Hello Middle School Community –

We had an amazing time at LOC last week.  This trip is always such a great community building experience for the students and faculty/staff and we are grateful that we were able to restart this yearly middle school tradition.  If you have not done so, please check our Facebook page for some pictures…those 80 pictures posted were about half the pictures taken over those two days!

A huge thank you goes out to the faculty/staff at the middle school for all of their work organizing this trip and supervising the trip while there.  If you happen to see a member of the middle school team, please take a moment to thank them for their work 

Indoor and Outdoor Shoes/Refillable Water Bottles

As we enter fall and the chance of rain increases…so does the mud.  Please make sure your child has a pair of indoor shoes and outdoor shoes.  This will help to keep our building clean and your child more comfortable at school.  No one likes wet and muddy shoes/socks inside…  Additionally, please make sure they have a refillable water bottle at school each day.  

Indoor Outdoor Shoes:WaterBottle.png

Name Placards – Pick-Up

A quick reminder to make sure you use your neon green name placard at pick-up.  It is helpful to have it displayed on the left side of your windshield.  This will help us to keep pick-up at its normal 10-12 minutes.  If you need another placard you can contact office@greenspireschool.org and we can send one home for you or you can “arts and crafts” one at home – just make sure it’s bright.

Pizza Lunch Begins Wednesday

Pizza lunch begins this Wednesday at the middle school campus.  The cost is $2 per slice and there are cheese, pepperoni and gluten free options available.  Students can buy two slices and if there are leftovers, they may buy another slice for the same price.  We are unable to take IOU’s, so please make sure your student has their money with them on Wednesday.  We also appreciate smaller $1, $5 and $10 bills.  

100% in 100 Days Fundraising Campaign

Our 100% in 100 Days fundraising campaign continues through December 14th.  We would appreciate any donation that you may be willing to provide.  To learn more, please visit: https://greenspireschool.org/donate/


Remember that the Toolbox is your go-to place for information.  You can find supply lists, forms, calendars, our new middle school parent guide, and links to our school’s PTO resources.  Please visit: https://greenspireschool.org/toolbox/

Upcoming Events

Greenspire 101 Series – Project-Based Learning

Thursday, October 6th

6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

All middle school parents are invited to attend!

Middle School Picture Day

Monday, October 10th

9:00 am 

An order form will be sent to you soon!

Half Day of School (Teacher Planning Day)

Friday, October 14th

8:30 am – 11:30 am

Robert Walker, EdD