Middle School Musical, Frozen Junior, February 27 - March 1 Buy tickets here

Students are kicking off their first projects of the year: Sticks and Stones. Students will be studying constitutional amendments with ELA, Literature, and Social Studies. In Science and Math, they are working on: Breaking Ground. This is an inquiry-based project focused on flooding that happens on our campus. PE and Health are looking at healthy communication skills. For specific questions, please reach out to those specific teachers.    

Cold and flu season is upon us. Please remind students to wash their hands frequently. If your student is sick, please call our attendance hotline at 231-421-5905 or email office@greenspireschool.org. Thank you to the families who have utilized our attendance hotline options.If you are planning on picking up your student early, please call us 45 minutes in advance as your child may be in an outdoor class.  

Greenspire in thte Commons!

Picture Day: October 11

This year’s picture day will be Wednesday, October 11.  We will once again be taking outdoor portraits by Scarlett Piedmonte.  Please send in order forms with your student on picture day. The order form is connected to this email. 

Boys Basketball: We have an excellent opportunity to partner with The Children’s House and Pathfinder for boys basketball this year. We partnered with them for Girls Volleyball this fall and it has been a great success. We are looking forward to continuing this partnership for many sports to come. Julie Boss from the Children’s House shared the following information:

6th-8th Grade Boys’ Basketball season is right around the corner! This season we are having a CO-OP team.  I am very excited! We have two excellent coaches who have a ton of experience. One of the coaches played D1 basketball! In order to get our schedule going, I need to have an estimate of our numbers.  If we have enough boys, we will have separate teams (6th, 7th, 8th).  Please EMAIL ME: Julie Boss at: boss.julie4boys@yahoo.com to let me know if your athlete is interested by October 6th.  More details  are below:

Practice: Practices will start on October 23rd.  Practices will be after school at The Children’s House and Pathfinder.  These will be three times a week until games start and then two times a week.

Games: Most games will be on Mondays and Wednesdays with start times ranging from 4:30pm-7:30pm.

Registration and Cost: Cost is $100.00 and registration will occur on Finalforms.  You will have to register by October 13th. I will send a link to officially register.


Julie Boss

Please email office@greenspireschool.org as well so that we can ensure you are getting all of the information you need to participate in boys’ basketball. 

Marketing and Fundraising Committee:

“The Greenspire Board of Directors approved the creation of a new standing Board committee, the Marketing & Fundraising Committee, at our September monthly board meeting this past Monday.  The board is looking to recruit committee members with a range of experiences and skills to serve on the committee to support the Greenspire School.  Community members with interests, skills, and experience in the following areas, at a minimum, are encouraged to reach out and join us: PR/Marketing; Fundraising; Grant Writing; strategic planning; Community Outreach, and networking.  Please join us in our work to support smart Greenspire growth. We need those community connections!  Contact Meagan Batdorff, Board Treasurer, at meaganbz@gmail.com or call 231-357-8714.

From the State of Michigan: Career Awareness – Pathfinder
Does your student need help in making informed education and career decisions? Help them by checking out the recently updated Pathfinder, Michigan’s online career exploration tool that allows users to explore in-demand careers and the degrees or credentials needed to pursue them.

If you’ve used Pathfinder before – found at Pathfinder.MiTalent.org – have a look with your student and check out its recent enhancements; including new filter features when exploring jobs, fields, and schools and the ability to choose multiple paths and compare them with each other.

For brand new users, visit and have a tailored career exploration experience that will provide your student with a complete training path picture when a career goal is chosen.

This 30-second video provides an overview of what you’ll find on the Pathfinder website.

We cannot wait to see many of you Thursday night at our “Greenspire in the Commons” event.This will be a great community-building event for our parents, staff, board members, and other community members. Thank you for all that you do to keep our school community positive and supportive. Have a great weekend.