Middle School Musical, Frozen Junior, February 27 - March 1 Buy tickets here

Hello Greenspire Middle School Community –

A few announcements to begin the week…

  • As you saw in a separate email last week, the Greenspire 101 Series: Project Based Learning event has been rescheduled to Wednesday, October 6th from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm.  This is an in-person event for parents/guardians to learn more about project based learning at the middle school.  More details will be sent to you this week.  
  • A reminder that all students need to have indoor and outdoor footwear during the school day.  Please make sure that your child has both each school day as it can be quite muddy this time of year out on the trails and it helps keep our building clean.  
  • Wednesdays are pizza lunch days for students at the middle school.  Slices are $2.  Please make sure that your child has money with them as we are unable to do IOU’s.  
  • The first edition of The Huddle is this Wednesday, September 29th at 9:00 am via Zoom.  This is an opportunity to connect with Robert to discuss upcoming events and ask questions.  We don’t discuss individual student concerns or individual concerns about teachers for reasons of confidentiality, but we get to discuss the larger happenings at the middle school – we have some exciting things planned over the next several months.  We will hold these quarterly.  All future dates are listed on the calendar at our website.  
  • Finally, we will release a PBL Preview each week that provides you with some information regarding what is happening during your child’s week at Greenspire.  This replaces our Week Ahead that we have done in the past.  The first edition is attached to this email, so check it out ?

Upcoming Events

9/29 @ 9:00 am – The Huddle

10/6 @ 6:30 pm – Greenspire 101 Series: Project-Based Learning

10/12  – Middle School Picture Day (morning)

10/15 – Half Day for Students – Dismissal at 11:30 am

Robert Walker, EdD