Middle School Musical, Frozen Junior, February 27 - March 1 Buy tickets here

We are so happy to see snow back on Greenspire’s campus. This week is the last week of the semester and all work will be due. Teachers are unable to take work after next week as they will be finalizing grades. If you have any questions about assignments or due dates, please don’t hesitate to contact the teacher directly. Their emails can be found here: https://greenspireschool.org/middle-school-staff/ Report cards will be sent out at the beginning of February.

Important Dates:

January 15: No School-MLK Day

January 19:Half Day- End of Quarter

January 22: No School- Records Day

January 31: 8th Grade Only- High School Prep Day

Warm Clothes:

Thank you to all of those who have been making sure their students have the gear they need for winter. Next week, temperatures look very cold. Students will still be outside as long as temperatures remain above zero so please make sure to have your student wear many layers of clothing. 

Pizza Wednesdays:

Pizza is available every Wednesday for $2 per slice from That’s a Pizza. Students can choose from Cheese, Pepperoni or Gluten Free Cheese at no additional cost. Students must bring cash to buy pizza. 


The Greenspire Middle School’s yearbook is on sale now! Don’t miss out on your chance to purchase Greenspire’s first ever student-created yearbook! Use this link to place your order (School ID #718722). Yearbooks are selling for $25 until January 31st, 2024, but prices will go up after that. Help secure a lasting memory for your student and purchase a yearbook today! Please email Alli with any questions.

Purchase your yearbook here! https://buytheyearbook.pictavo.com/PictavoSchool/FindSchool
Parents/Gardians of 8th Graders ONLY! The yearbook staff is offering something new this year! You have the opportunity to celebrate your promoting 8th grader by purchasing space to personalize in the yearbook. Each space is fully customizable! You can add pictures, quotes, or a special note of pride for your child’s accomplishment. A half-page ad is selling for $20, a quarter-page ad is selling for $15, and an eighth-page ad is selling for $10.  Recognition ads can be purchased any time before April 17, 2024. Please email Alli with any questions.


Please pay close attention to next week’s schedule and we will see you all on Tuesday.