Middle School Musical, Frozen Junior, February 27 - March 1 Buy tickets here

Hello Middle School Community –

Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year!

For those of you that are new to Greenspire, you will receive a Weekly Update each week throughout the school year.  The Weekly Update will be used to share important information to families as well as update you on upcoming events.  The Weekly Updates will also be posted on our website under the Most Recent News section located at the bottom of our homepage.  

First Day of School

The first day of school is Tuesday, September 6th.  School begins at 8:30 am and dismissal is at 11:30 am.  Please make sure that students are picked up promptly at 11:30 am.  

Drop-Off and Pick-Up Information


Students may be dropped off on campus after 8:00 am each day.  Students will not be able to enter the building until 8:20 am, so please be prepared for various weather conditions while waiting outside.  


After the first week or two of school, our pick-up process usually takes about 10-12 minutes to complete from start to finish.  We pride ourselves on a QUICK and SAFE process.  Please be patient during the first several days of school as our students get used to the process and that it may take a bit longer…don’t panic 😉

Please make sure that you use your neon green name placard that was given to you at Open House.  This should be displayed each day in your front windshield.  This helps to speed up the process.  If you need another placard please contact office@greenspireschool.org to request an additional placard.  If you did not attend Open House, we will give your child their placard on the first day of school at dismissal.  

To view our drop-off and pick-up guidelines, please visit the link below:

Reporting Absences

Please report your child absent or late to school by leaving a message on the middle school attendance hotline at 231.421.5905,(press 1 for the middle school) or by emailing the Front Desk at office@greenspireschool.org.  

Late Drop-Offs and Early Pick-Ups

A super important reminder – 

If your child will be arriving late to school, you must come to the front door to sign your student into the building.  

If your child will be picked up early from school, please notify the front desk well ahead of the scheduled pick-up.  With our outdoor classes, a student may be off campus and not able to return to campus safely with short notice.  Not doing so, may significantly delay your departure time as students may not be able to return to campus alone.  You must come to the front door to sign your student out of the building.  

Toolbox & Calendar

The Toolbox section of our website is your go-to spot for all school-related information.  This area of the website has important resources, links, forms, and documents.  Please bookmark the site below and visit it regularly for updates.  

Additionally, you can view all of our upcoming events on our Calendar

 by clicking the link below:

Student Cell Phones

From the moment a student arrives on campus and comes up the front stairs, until the moment they leave campus and go down the front stairs, students should not have their phones with them.  They should be put their cell phones in their backpack/locker during the school day.  The only exception is for a documented medical purpose.  

If you need to contact your student during the school day, please call the office at 231.421.5905 to have our front desk staff relay a message to your students.  Additionally, if your student needs to contact you during the day, they should go to the front desk and we will call you.  This is to ensure the safety of our students.  

Parent/Guardian Logins to PowerSchool

In the very near future, you will receive a letter in the mail that will detail how to access your parent/guardian portal.  This portal will allow you to see your child’s progress in each of their core classes.  A link to the parent portal is located in the Toolbox section of the website.  The students will be given their portal access during the first several days of school.  If you have any issues, please contact office@greenspireschool.org for additional support. 

Amazon Wishlist

The link below is the Amazon Wishlist for the Middle School.  If you are able to contribute, we would greatly appreciate your support. 

Upcoming Events

First Day of School

Tuesday, September 6th

8:30 am – 11:30 am

LOC Overnight Trip

Wednesday, September 14th – Thursday, September 15th

LOC forms and payment are due to the front desk no later than Thursday, September 8th

Any questions, please contact Emily at emily.feaster@greenspireschool.org

Student Pizza Lunch Sale

Begins Wednesday, September 21st

$2 per slice (cash only); cheese, pepperoni and gluten free options

Maximum of two slices – students may be able to buy leftover slices, if available

This will occur each Wednesday throughout the school year

Greenspire 101 Series – Project Based Learning

Thursday, October 6th

6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Picture Day

Monday, October 10th

More information will be sent home in the coming weeks


Robert Walker, EdD