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Greenspire High School Community Update 

This is your GHS Weekly Update for the Week of: 9/13/21

School Times This Week: Normal Week

M, Tu, Th, Fr: 8:45-3:45 (May arrive as early as 8:00)

Wednesday: 9:45-3:45 (May arrive as early as 9:25)


NWEA Testing Begins

Tuesday: Math (During Science/Math block)

Wednesday: Reading (During Literature/History block)

Thursday: Makeups

Is your student interested in being on the Student Council? Student Council Meeting: Monday, September 13th at 8:00am in 214


Students- Bring your favorite reusable mug to school! Tea and decaf coffee are available before school and during lunch! (Not during class or between classes)

Dress Code– Please be sure that your school attire is comfortable for the weather and for learning in a school setting. Crop top shirts are very trendy and we know this, but please use good judgement when selecting this style. Please bring an additional shirt if you are unsure if it is Greenspire appropriate.

Affirmations from Last Week

WOW! Greenspire students and families rocked the first week of school! Here is what went well!

  • CAR LINE: Except for Tuesday, carline dismissal lasted 11 minutes or less each day! Please be sure you have a blue GHS car placard to continue this trend!
  • Attention in Class: GHS students were all very attentive, inclusive, eager, and fun to teach this past week!
  • Lunch Hour: Our students were wonderful every day at lunch. They socialized with one another, did not use devices, and made new friends. It was wonderful to observe.
  • Navigating Course Schedules: As everyone knows, our Powerschool schedules were very difficult to understand…but the students were patient and receptive as we coached them through it!
  • Student Lounge: Our students did a wonderful job keeping the student lounge clean and clutter-free this week. They also helped make coffee and tea for us all.
  • Kind Students– This is just my motherly heart speaking here…but your teens are amazingly kind, perceptive, and caring. Our team is beyond thrilled to have your children in our high school; their attitudes allowed for everything to run smoothly and easily. We know it is the “honeymoon phase” but we will TAKE IT! ?
  • AWESOME TEACHERS AND STAFF: WOW! The Greenspire Staff really brought their A-Game this past week. Their team-building lessons, exploratory classes, and course introductions were engaging and fun for all. If you call the high school this week, please be sure to tell Torre how much you appreciate her. She has done an amazing amount of work this week to organize our new high school.
  • Parent Donations– THANK YOU to the parents who donated classroom supplies such as Kleenex, notebooks, pencils, rulers, scissors, and more! The donations were plentiful and appreciated by all.

Erica Walsh