Middle School Musical, Frozen Junior, February 27 - March 1 Buy tickets here

Hello Greenspire Middle School Community –

It was a great first week of school.  Even though the weather on the first day of school had us move indoors, we still had a great time.  The faculty/staff and students did a great job this week and we are ready to start our first full week of school on Monday.  


Reporting Absences, Early Pick-Ups and Tardies
There are two options for reporting your child absent, tardy, or scheduling an early pick-up.  You can call the main school number at 231.421.5905 and leave a message on the attendance hotline or you can email the middle school office at office@greenspireschool.org.  

If you need to pick-up your student early from school, you must call or email the office, preferably as early as possible in the day.  Some of our outdoor classes may be out on the trails and it may take a significant amount of time for the student to return to the building, sometimes up to 15 minutes.  If we know ahead of time, we can make sure the student stays back and is ready for you to pick-up at the front door.  

Spirit Wear
Our fall spirit wear order form is up on our website.  It can be found in the Toolbox section of the website under Middle School Resources.  The deadline to order is Tuesday, September 21st at 11:59 pm.  Unfortunately, no late orders can be accepted.  

Here is the direct link to the order form: https://www.threadscustomgear.com/your-store/greenspire-school-pride-wear/

Drop-Off and Pick-Up
A copy of our procedure is attached below.  
For drop-off, please make sure that you drop-off your students inside the cone lane closest to the curb.  Students should exit vehicles on the right side so they are not getting out of the vehicle into traffic. 

For pick-up, the process will continue to speed up over the next week or two as we recognized vehicles and faces.  Please continue to use your yellow name placard in the front windshield.  That helps us to speed up the process tremendously as we can radio ahead for students to come down so they are ready when you pull into the numbered spots.  If you need another placard, please contact office@greenspireschool.org and we can make you a new one or you can make one yourself – the brighter the better?

Adult supervision is only on campus from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm during the school day.  

Upcoming Events

September 29th @ 9:00 amThe Huddle – Parents/guardians of middle school students are invited to attend via Zoom and meet with Robert to discuss upcoming events and answer questions.  The meeting link will be emailed to parents/guardians in the weekly update the weekend before the event.  

September 29th @ 6:30 pm – Greenspire 101 Series (Middle School) – Project-Based Learning. – All parents/guardians are invited to attend in-person.  More information will be sent home soon!

October 15th – Half-Day for Students – Dismissal is at 11:30 am


Robert Walker, EdD